This section of the centenary issue of STM–SJM presents peer-reviewed articles with regard to the history, the present and the future of Swedish music research, or music research in Sweden. Links to the articles are found below and in the left-hand column.
Håkan Lundström: Svensk forskning i musik – de senaste 100 åren. (Published 27 January 2020)
Thomas Holme: Glimt af nordisk musikvidenskab i første halvdel af det 20. århundrede: Knud Jeppesens brevvekslinger som kilder og kontekst. (Published 27 January 2020)
Erik Wallrup: Blicken i den gustavianska spegeln: svensk musikvetenskap om tiden under Gustav III. (Published 27 January 2020)
Petra Garberding, Ursula Geisler och Henrik Rosengren: ”Jag ser till att bli uppfattad som en vanlig DDR-medborgare": musikforskaren Gerd Schönfelder, Kungl. Musikaliska akademien och Stasi. (Published 11 October 2019)
Thomas Jul Kirkegaard-Larsen: a history of Swedish function theory. (Published 7 February 2020)
Mattias Lundberg: two musical theories of Sven E. Svensson reconsidered: ‘tension of fifths’ and ‘intervallic pulse’. (Published 7 February 2020)
Jan-Olof Gullö and David Thyrén: Music production in Swedish higher education: history and future challenges. (Published 14 February 2020)
Susanne Rosenberg: The singer’s imprint: stability and variation in contemporary folk singers’ interpretations of folk chorale. (Published 23 February 2020)