STM-Online vol. 3 (2000)
Eva Öhrström

Om musikhistorieundervisningen vid musikhögskolorna [On the Teaching of Music History at the Conservatories of Music in Sweden]


Eva Öhrström

Departing from the recent trend of reducing the credit hours within the Swedish music education programs for the music history courses, this article warns of the consequences of such an approach: Western art music has become an exstict genre in only twenty years. The results are already visible. The concert audience in Stockholm is unfamiliar with the repertoire, the record stores’ stocks have drastically decreased. This downplaying of history corresponds to a general Swedish trend, in which the history curriculum has been reduced in the public school system as well.

©Eva Öhrström, 2000

STM-Online vol. 3 (2000)


ISSN: 1403-5715