STM-Online vol. 3 (2000)
K. Olle Edström

Några tankar kring vilken musikhistoria vi skall undervisa idag [Some Thoughts About What Kind of Music History We Should Teach Today]


K. Olle Edström

Departing from recent debates within the humanities over knowledge, history writing, and canon formation, this article argues that we still have to deal with the traditional music history in higher music education. However, this canon has to be problematized and thus genres, musicians, and composers of lesser significance, according to the predominant canon, have to be included in the discourse. Also, recent studies indicate that the significance of modernistic art music has been vastly overestimated, the devoted audience in London, for example, consist only of some 1000 people, and the time provided for this genre in the curriculum is too long in relation to its significance.

©K. Olle Edström, 2000

STM-Online vol. 3 (2000)


ISSN: 1403-5715