STM-Online vol. 2 (1999)
Per-Erik Brolinson & Holger Larsen

Tracing the musical style of Birger Sjöberg


Per-Erik Brolinson & Holger Larsen

The songs of the Swedish author and composer Bigrer Sjöberg (1885-1929) occupy a stylistic middleground between folk song and art song. This stylistic ambiguity is reflected in almost every feature of his music: melody, rhythm, harmony and form. Although the songs may have an air of unabitious simplicity, they are often difficult to perform. Several of his songs contain references, sometimes very subtle, to other musical works. At the same time his style is disticntively personal. This essay attempts to investigate his stylistic double nature as well as his uniquely personal traits.

©Per-Erik Brolinson & Holger Larsen, 1999

STM-Online vol. 2 (1999)


ISSN: 1403-5715