
Författare i STM-Online 15 (2012)

Mats Arvidson defended his Ph.D. thesis in musicology, Ett tonalt välordnat samhälle eller anarki? Estetiska och sociala aspekter på svensk konstmusik 1945–1960 [A Tonally Well-Organized Society or Anarchy? Aesthetical and Social Aspects on Swedish Art Music 1945–1960] at Gothenburg University in 2007. He has taught intermedial studies at the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University since 2002, and was appointed Senior Lecturer in that subject in 2010. He is currently working on an anthology together with some colleagues on the concept of crisis in culture, which will be published during the fall 2012 at Sekel Bokförlag.

Ola Graff is professor at the Department of Traditional Music at Tromsø Museum (University Museum of Tromsø). He became Dr.philos. in 2002 with a dissertation about an extinct coastal Sami yoiking tradition at the northern coast of Finnmark. The dissertation was published in a revised version as Om kjæresten min vil jeg joike (2004). He has made several publications about Sami musical tradition and the structures in yoik songs. He has also worked with Norwegian traditional music and published the books Av det raudaste gull. Tradisjonsmusikk i nord (2005) and Daniel Hægstad. Slåtter og slåttetradisjon fra Lødingen (2010)

Ola Johansson is an associate professor of geography at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown (Pennsylvania, USA). Recently he was a guest scholar at the School of Cultural Sciences, Linnaeus University in Kalmar. His publications and research interests include music and urban redevelopment strategies, local music scenes, popular music and national identity, and the geography of music tours. He is also the co-author of the book Sound, Society, and the Geography of Popular Music (Ashgate Publishing 2009).

Mattias Lundberg is a Research fellow at the Department of Musicology at Uppsala University, Head of Rare Collections at the Music and Theatre Library of Sweden, and coordinator of the Swedish working group of Répertoire international des sources musicales. He has published books, articles and editions concerning musical theory and practice in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, with particular focus on compositional processes, methods and schemata. He has also published on topics of Lutheran liturgical music as well as on aspects of music and scholarly erudition in the early modern period.

STM-Online vol. 15 (2012)


ISSN: 1403-5715