
Författare i STM-Online 12 (2009)

Lars Berglund är forskarassistent och universitetslektor vid institutionen för musikvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet. Största delen av hans publikation behandlar 1600-talets musikhistoria, men han har även arbetat med svensk modernism.

Katarina Elam är fil. dr. i estetik. Hennes avhandling Emotions as a Mode of Understanding: An Essay in Philosophical Aesthetics (2001) behandlar emotioner som ett sätt att uppfatta och förstå världen. Avhandlingen beskriver även en uppenbar koppling mellan emotioner och berättelser/berättande. I hennes senare forskning har kroppslighet framträtt som ett övergripande tema och i ett påbörjat arbete läggs fokus framförallt på känselsinnets betydelse för estetisk erfarenhet.

Steven A. Harper is Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at the School of Music at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia (USA).  In addition to his work on Åke Hermanson (which includes an article in STM-Online 10), he has published essays in Indiana Theory Review, College Music Symposium, and Sibelius Forum on works by Anton Webern and Jean Sibelius.

Kia Hedell är verksam som lärare vid Institutionen för musikvetenskap vid Uppsala universitet. Hon disputerade år 2001 på en avhandling om musiklivet vid de svenska Vasahoven och har sedan dess publicerat arbeten om svenskt hovmusicerande under äldre tider samt om svensk musikförlagsverksamhet och svensk körsång under 1900-talet.

Mattias Lundberg (b. 1976) is responsible for the Rare Collections at the Music Library of Sweden, Stockholm, and for the Swedish working group of Répertoire international des sources musicales (RISM). After studies in musicology, Latin and the history of art he earned a Ph.D. at the University of Liverpool in 2007 with a thesis concerning polyphonic settings of the tonus peregrinus. Recent and forthcoming publications concern sixteenth- and seventeenth-century counterpoint, music theory and liturgy. From October 2009 he will hold a four-year research fellowship at the University of Uppsala.

François de Médicis is associate professor at the Université de Montreal. His publications and lectures touch upon a variety of topics, including Mozart’s operas, Brahms’s instrumental music, and French and Russian music of the first third of the twentieth century (Debussy, Milhaud, Scriabin and Stravinsky). He co-edited Musique et modernité en France, 1900 à 1945 (Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2006), and has published articles in Acta Musicologica, Music & Letters, Canadian University Music Review, the Enciclopedia della musica (Einaudi), and in collections of articles published by the Sorbonne, l’Harmattan, and Presses de l’Université de Montréal. He has presented papers at the national and international meetings of organizations such as AMS, IMS, and Société européenne d’analyse musicale.

Eva Öhrström is professor of musicology at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Her field of research was mainly women in music; her book for the Ph.D. degree is titled Bourgeois Women Musicians in the 19th Century Sweden (1987). After that she has published several deeper and broader articles about women’s musical activities, especially between 1780 and 1920. In 1999 she published a biography on a Swedish composer and pioneer: Elfrida Andrée: A Life. Gradually her research field has broadend into cultural history and music history from a pedagogical point of view. In 1998 she was the editor of and contributor to the anthology Music, folk and folk education. The article about Karl Valentin is the part of her research about Swedish music history and education outreach.


STM-Online vol. 12 (2009)


ISSN: 1403-5715