
Författare i STM-Online 10 (2007)

Steven A. Harper is Assistant Professor of Music Theory at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Harper holds degrees from the University of Louisville (KY), Northwestern University, and The University of Texas at Austin; he has taught previously at The University of Texas at Austin and Angelo State University (San Angelo, TX). His published essays include studies of works by Beethoven, Sibelius, and Webern.

Lars Lilliestam är professor i musik­vetenskap vid Institutionen för kultur, estetik och medier vid Göteborgs Universitet. Hans senaste bok är Musikliv: Vad människor gör med musik – och musik med människor (Göteborg 2006).

Dan Lundberg, b. 1959, is Director of Svenskt visarkiv (Centre for Swedish Folk Music and Jazz Research) and a professor in music and cultural diversity. Since the 1970s, he has been participating on the Swedish world music circuit as a musician, specializing on Eastern European and Swedish folk music. Lundberg’s key publications include books and papers on Swedish and European folk music, as well as music and identity.

Tobias Pettersson, fil. dr. i musik­vetenskap, är sedan vårterminen 2007 vik. universitetslektor vid Institutionen för kultur, estetik och medier, Göteborgs universitet. Hans bidrag i detta nummer av STM-Online tar avstamp i teoretiska perspektiv utvecklade i avhandlingen De bildade männens Beethoven: Musikhistorisk kunskap och social formering i Sverige mellan 1850 och 1940 (Göteborgs Universitet, 2004).

Sara Zamir completed her Ph.D. on April 2005, at the music department, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. Since then, she is teaching courses in Music History, as well as inter-disciplinary seminars, in co-operation with the department of Comparative Literature at the university. Her research focuses on the part of literary text in compositional decisions-making, discussing works of various styles and eras. She also runs the concert office of the department.

STM-Online vol. 10 (2007)


ISSN: 1403-5715